What is Anodizing?

Views: 10     Author: Wang     Publish Time: 2022-10-31      Origin: Ruili

The basics of anodizing treatment

Anodizing treatment is an electrochemical method. In a suitable electrolyte, the alloy parts are used as the anode, and stainless steel, chromium, or the conductive electrolyte itself is used as the cathode. Under certain voltage and current conditions, the anode is oxidized, thereby The process of obtaining an anodized film on the surface of the workpiece. According to the type of electrolyte and film properties, it can be divided into sulfuric acid (can be colored), chromic acid, (no need to be colored), mixed acid, hard (can not be colored) and porcelain anodizing; according to the dyeing of various anodized films performance, only the oxide film obtained by sulfuric acid anodizing is the most suitable for dyeing.

Anodizing of aluminum alloys

The presence of alloying elements will reduce the quality of the oxide film. Under the same conditions, the oxide film obtained on pure aluminum is the thickest, the hardness is the highest, the corrosion resistance is the best, and the uniformity is the best. For aluminum alloy materials, in order to obtain a good oxidation effect, it is necessary to ensure that the content of aluminum is not less than 95% under normal circumstances.

If the oxide film is required to be colorless and transparent after oxidation, the aluminum alloys of the 5 and 6 series are better, and they can also be colored after oxidation. If it is only required to be anodized to form a dense anodized film, if there is no requirement for color, most aluminum alloys can be oxidized. Before choosing the oxidation process, you should have an understanding of the aluminum or aluminum alloy material. The quality of the material and the difference in the ingredients will directly affect the quality of the anodized aluminum product.

anodized colors

(picture from google)

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